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Bickelhaupt.Arboretum.1.jpg (42825 bytes)

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Juniperus foetidissima.jpg (38340 bytes)

Cattleya.maxima.jpg (34766 bytes)

Dyckia.encholirioides.jpg (25386 bytes)

Bickelhaupt Arboretum, USA Opuntia © Juniperus feotidissima, Turkey   
 Michael P. Frankis © 
Cattleya maxima ©  Dyckia encholirioides, Brazil 
 Prof.Ludwig Buckup ©


This Web Site is dedicated to the Conservation of Endangered Species and Plant Research.

World's best Horticultural Societies for Plant Connoisseurs!


Most of the Society Web Sites have Information on Plant Culture, Photos and other useful Information. They are worth a visit!

  COUNTRY   World's leading Horticultural Societies

All Photos are copyrighted © Click on any Photo to enlarge

INTERNATIONAL Tillandsia.ionantha.jpg.jpg (17713 bytes)Bromeliad Society International - Purpose: to promote and maintain public and scientific interest in development, research, preservation, and distribution of bromeliads around the world. A bimonthly Journal Internat. Soc. of Arboriculture - A worldwide professional organization dedicated to fostering a greater appreciation for trees and to promoting research, technology, and the professional practice of Arboriculture.
ISHS - Soc. for Horticultural Science - Dating from 1864 and formally constituted in 1959, has more than 6000 members representing 140 countries. It is the world's leading independent organization of horticultural scientists. Picea.jezoensis.Yatsubusa.jpg (75249 bytes)International Conifer Society for Conifer Connoisseurs - Groups for Botanical Gardens, Botanists, Experts, Professionals, Researchers, Collectors and Hobbyists
International Euphorbia Society
International Palm Society
International Phalaenopsis Alliance
Carnivorous Plant Society
European Orchid Council

Magnolia Society
NCCPG - Plant Conservation  - The National Council for the Conservation of Plants and Gardens. The world's leading cultivated Plant Conservation Charity. 
Network of 630 National Plant Collections each dedicated to one particular group of plants.
International Association for Plant Taxonomy (IAPT) - founded in 1950 at the International Botanical Congress in Stockholm,  the purpose of the IAPT is to carry out projects of interest and concern to systematic biologists. 
The National Geographic Society - Founded in 1888, one of the largest educational and scientific organizations, a world leader in geography and exploration. An on-line resource for scientific discovery, photography, travel, exploration and educational tools The Tree-Ring Society - The only formal Association of Dendrochronologists worldwide, dedicated to tree-ring research and education.
Publication of the peer-reviewed Journal: Tree-Ring Research
Association of Zoological Horticulture
AFRICA South African Orchid Council - Your link to the orchid growing community in South Africa. The Council provides information on affiliated Orchid Societies, Clubs and Groups. Botanical Society of South Africa, established in 1913, has over 15000 members in 45 countries around the world. The Society currently has 16 Branches. Publication: Veld & Flora.  
Succulent Society of South Africa - Publication: quarterly journal Aloe and a regular newsletter
ARGENTINA Circulo de Coleccionistas de Cactus Y Crasas - fundada 1959,  su objetivo es reunir a los coleccionistas y aficionados a los cactus y otras suculentas para que compartan sus experiencias por medio de reuniones o ser el vínculo entre coleccionistas que no puedan asistir a ellas.
AUSTRALIA Conifer Society of Australia - The Society aims to encourage communication about conifers, to promote an interest in their collection, propagation and conservation. Aechmea.recurvata.jpg (58365 bytes)Bromeliads in Australia - A pictorial encyclopedia of Bromeliads grown in Australia. Local Societies are listed on the 'Club News' page
Bromeliad Society of Queensland, Inc.
Australian Orchid Council Inc was founded in 1960. The council coordinates and administers a national judging system of orchids in this country. Publisher of Orchids Australia Australian Society for Horticultural Science - The promotion and enhancement of Australian horticultural science and industry.  The members represent cross-section of professionals from research institutions, universities, industry, private citizens and students.
Australian Native Plants Society - dedicated to the conservation of native Australian plants
Cactus and Succulent Society of Australia Inc.
(CSSA) - established in 1927 - Links to Austr. Cactus Societies
Thelymitra_variegata.jpg (23183 bytes)Species Orchid Society of W. A.
Photo: Thelymitra variegata from Ron Heberle's Thelymitra Gallery
Nursery & Garden Industry Association
International Plant Propagators' Society Australia
International Society of Arboriculture - Australia Chapter is the association for arboriculture, urban forestry and the tree care industry
AUSTRIA Rhyncholaela.jpg (15058 bytes)Oesterreichische Orchideengesellschaft - Zweck: die Förderung der Kultur, Züchtung und Vermehrung von Orchideen zur Arterhaltung  und der spezielle Schutz der einheimischen Orchideen. Gesellschaft Österreichischer Kakteenfreunde (GÖK) - Austrian Cactus and Succulent Association (ACSA) founded 1930 and has now 1000 members. A newsletter publication is included with the membership.
BELGIUM Les Orchidophiles réunis de Belqique Cactussen en Vetplanten v.z.w. is the largest Belgian society for lovers of cacti and other succulents. Founded in 1983 - Publication of Vakblad and Kringblad
CANADA Canadian Society for Horticultural Science - The membership is divided into 5 regional sections and consists of scientists, educators, students, extension agents and industry personnel COC - Canadian Orchid Congress - An Association of  Orchid Societies that is dedicated to serve the Canadian orchid-growing public. The COC represents affiliated societies and their members on Canada wide issues.
Cattleya_gaskelliana.jpg (14814 bytes)Canadian Orchid Societies - Links to all Canadian Affiliates
Les Orchidophiles de Montréal - plus  que  750 membres 
CZECH REP Kaktusy a Sukulentu - over 100 cactus clubs - promoting the study, propagation and conservation of cacti and other succulent plants, Publisher of quarterly journal Kaktusy
DENMARK Dansk Dendrologisk Forening – Forening for dendrologisk interessede - herunder specielt trćer og buskes anvendelse i haver, parker og skove. Foreningen udgiver et ĺrsskrift, afholder ekskursioner under ledelse af fagfolk samt arrangerer foredrag, demonstrationer og trćbestemmelse. Dansk Orchide Klub
EQUADOR Quito Orchid Society
FRANCE Cactus Francophone - dédié aux Cactus et autres Plantes Succulentes ou Grasses. Vous y trouverez des informations sur les producteurs, les associations, les événements, des conseils de culture, un forum de discussion. Discover the world of Cacti! Association des Orchidophiles et des Epiphytophiles de France

A.R.I.D.E.S. - Association de Recherche et d'Information sur les Déserts Et les Succulentes
GERMANY Deutsche Bromelien Gesellschaft e.V. ist der Platz, an dem sich Bromelienfreunde treffen. Wenn dich die Farben und Formen von Tillandsien und Bromelien faszinieren, schau mal rein. Interested in Bromeliads? This is the place where Bromeliad-fanatics meet. Deutsche Kakteen-Gesellschaft -  gegründet: November 1892 in Berlin - heute ca. 6.500 Mitglieder im In- und Ausland: Botaniker, Hobby-Fachleute und viele Fensterbrettsammler. Monatliche Kakteenzeitschrift: Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten. The Membership is international with appr. 6.500 members
Deutsche Orchideen Gesellschaft e.V. und Ortsgruppen der D.O.G. Publikationen: Die Orchidee - weltweit versandt - issued in German with authors from around the world.
GREECE Flora Cretica, Crete - a fairly new non-governmental  organisation incorporated as a charitable trust dedicated to preserve, protect and propagate the natural and wild plants of this Mediterranean island. On-line Image Library! Explore the best and most prestigious Arboreta and Botanic Gardens from around the World!
HUNGARY Receptaculum Succulentarum Debreceniense
IRELAND The Royal Horticultural Society of Ireland
JAPAN Botanical Society of Japan - Since 1882 - Members: 2200 - Membership is open to anyone interested in botany.
Publication: Journal of Plant Research

Bromeliad Society of Japan
orchids.jpg (43314 bytes)Akashi Orchid Society

Morioka Orchid Society
NETHERLANDS KVBC - Royal Boskoop Horticultural Society - Information on the many activities including plant collections, judging of new plants and the many publications of the society - in  Dutch Nederlands-Belgische Bromelia Vereniging - De Dutch Bromeliad Contact Group  (BCG) is inmiddels een formele vereniging van meer dan 60 leden uit Nederland en België. - Bromeliad Contact Group, BCG
Cedrus.atlantica.Gl.Pendula.jpg (45768 bytes)Nederlandse Coniferen Vereniging   Nederlandse Dendrologische Vereniging  
Al meer dan 80 jaar in de ban van bomen - eigenschappen, naamgeving, herkomst, toepassing in tuinen, openbaar groen en landschap.
Succulenta - de Nederlands/Belgische Vereniging van liefhebbers van cactussen en vetplanten - founded in 1919 it now has 2500 members - Publication: Succulenta Nederlandse Orchideeën Vereniging
NEW ZEALAND New Zealand Native Orchid Group - conservation of the native orchids of New Zealand. Cactus & Succulent Society of New Zealand - Links to 11 branches - Publication of a quarterly journal
NORWAY Norsk Orkideforening - NOF ble stiftet i 1988
Bladet: Orkideer og Marihĺnd
SPAIN Asoc. Espańola de Parques Y Jardines Grupo Orquideófilo Canarias, Canary Islands
SWEDEN Kiviks-Esperöd Arboretum Föreningen startades av en grupp entusiaster med avsikten att arbeta med dokumentation, skötsel och förökning i ett unikt arboretum. Svenska Orkidésőllskapet (SOS) - En internationell förening sedan 1956 - 1500 medlemmar frĺn hela Sverige - Orkidé-fora pĺ svenska och engelska - Hemsidan presenterar länkar till systerföreningar samt information och databaser om orkidéer pĺ svenska och engelska - Tidskrift: Orkidéer
SWITZERLAND Schweizerische Kakteen-Gesellschaft (SKG) - Association Suisse des Cactophiles - nearly a thousand members who are organised in over 20 local branches. Publication: Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten (in German)  Swiss Orchideen Gesellschaft - La Société Suisse d'Orchidophilie - Die Dachorganisation der 11 Regionalvereine der Schweiz - the governing body for 11 regional groups in Switzerland. You are invited to join! - 750 Mitglieder - Publication: Die Orchidee - L'Orchidophile
UNIT.KINGDOM (64588 bytes)British Conifer Society - The Society wishes to attract a broad spectrum of conifer enthusiasts to share knowledge and information. One of the society' main goal is to promote the wider use of unusual dwarf and ornamental varieties in gardens. Publication: Bi-annual Journal British Orchid Council - The BOC is the UK orchid world's umbrella organisation - Amateur Orchid Societies, professional growers including commercial nurseries, and the scientific community.
Cactus and Succulent Society - 3,300 members, including novice window-sill growers to experts. The Society has just over 90 Branches in the UK. Publication: Quarterly magazine - Cactus World Botanical Society of the British Isles - maintains a searchable Database of all the vascular plants and charophytes found in Britain Ireland including their correct scientific names. Biological records are not provided.
The Norfolk Norwich Horticultural Society - Founded in 1829 - amateurs or professionals are eligible to join. British Conifer Growers Association 
Royal Forestry Society - founded 1882 - Anyone can join - over 4000 members - Website provides extensive info.
Publication: Quarterly Journal of Forestry
Northern Ireland Forestry Service
Royal Scottish Forestry Society
Royal Horticultural Society - From its foundation in 1804, it has grown to be the world’s leading horticultural organisation. The UK's leading gardening charity dedicated to advancing horticulture and promoting good gardening.
Orchid Society of Great Britain - Objective: The furtherance of the knowledge, and conservation, of the natural habitat of orchidaceous plants. Founded in 1951 and over 1000 members worldwide. British Orchid Growers Association - A trade Association for nurseries and sundries traders
U S A Florida Council of Bromeliad Soc. - Serving the Bromeliad enthusiast's of Florida and the Internet Community
San Francisco Bromeliad Society  
Bromeliad Society of Michigan
Botanical Society of America - To promote botany, the field of basic science dealing with the study and inquiry into the form, function, development, diversity, reproduction, evolution, and uses of plants and their interactions within the biosphere.
Peanut.cactus.jpg (36339 bytes) Cactus and Succulent Society - An international organisation, organized in 1929 and has ag worldwide membership. Publication: 
Cactus and Succulent Journal
and a newsletter.
Pinus.aristata.jpg (32947 bytes)American Conifer Society - Mission of the Society: The development, preservation and propagation of conifers, with an emphasis on those that are dwarf and unusual.
Photo: Windy Ridge  - Old Pinus aristata
Society of American Foresters - Since 1900, the Society of American Foresters has provided access to information and networking opportunities to prepare members for the challenges and the changes that face natural resource professionals. American Public Gardens Association Founded in 1940 as the AABGA - APGA's 500 member institutions are located in all 50 states, Canada and 24 other countries. The membership is International. Mission: AABGA (APGA) serves and strengthens public gardens throughout North America by supporting and promoting their work, value and achievements in horticulture.
American Horticultural Society - One of the oldest national gardening organizations in the country - connected to great gardens around the world, gardening education for all levels of skill. Cycad Society was founded in 1977 -  "Dedicated to the Conservation of Cycads through Education and Scientific Research."  Publication: 'The Cycad' Newsletter
American Nursery & Landsc. Association - founded in 1876 - now nearly 2,200 members. The ANLA is the national voice of the nursery and landscape industry. American Society for Horticultural Science - Dedicated to advancing horticultual research, education an application for over 100 years.
Catt.mossiae.jpg (39354 bytes)American Orchid Society
Chief aims of the AOS: Conservation of orchid species and their habitats. The Society supports research to study a wide range of subjects.
The Mid-America Orchid Congress - MOAC - An organization of Orchid Societies dedicated to preservation of orchids in their natural habitats, the propagation of orchids by seed and cuttings, the development of new and better plants through breeding.
The Garden Conservancy
The Heather Society

The Wilderness Society


Torreya.jpg (39816 bytes)Torreya Guardians - A self-organized group  with a deep concern for biodiversity protection of our most endangered conifer: Torreya taxifolia
THAILAND Orchid Society of Thailand was formed by Rapee Sagarik. Thailand is a natural habitat for more than 1000 species spread across several genera.

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