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Aech.nudicaulis.jpg (60787 bytes)

Tsuga.canadensis.Sargentii.jpg (154793 bytes)

Cattleya.lueddemanniana.jpg (43887 bytes)

Aechmea nudicaulis ©

Tsuga canadensis 'Sargentii'

Cattleya lueddemanniana ©

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American Conifer Society

 Arboretum de Concord 

Canadian Orchid Congress


All Photos are copyrighted  © Click on any Photo to enlarge
No endorsement of vendors is expressed or implied!

AUSTRALIA Conifer Gardens Nursery - Largest range of conifers in Australia with 600 varieties of conifers in stock, most are grown on the Nursery's own production property Oncidium.jpg (34599 bytes)Woolf Orchid Culture
Growers, Breeders and Exporters of the Finest Australian Bred Orchids
Exotica - Rare and Exotic plants - Bromeliad Collectors Paradise - more than 600 species and hybrids
BELGIUM Akerne Orchids - Species - Hybrids and Supplies
BRAZIL Edmundoa.lindenii.jpg (21659 bytes)Bromeliário Cairé - A regional descriptive inventory of Bromeliad species from South Brazil - species, photos, bibliography, special topics and biogeographical info. on the biota of southern Brazil. Bela Vista Orchids - Dedicated to the preservation of endangered species - 300.000 plants - Export
CHILE Jardin Pehuen, Bromeliads, Conifers
CZECH. REP. Anguloa.jpg (30492 bytes)Lukscheiter - Bromelie, Orchideje, Sukulenty

DENMARK Orchidégartneriet
ECUADOR Ecuagenera - Ecuagenera, Cía. Ltda. specializes in the cultivation, reproduction and sale of native Ecuadorian orchid species. Unusual species!
FRANCE La Cour des Orchidées
GERMANY Horstman Schneverdingen - Zwergkoniferen Baumschule - dwarf, rare and unusual conifers with more than 1600 different varieties M&M Orchideen - Specializing in Orchid species with more than 2000 species and hybrids. One of the largest supplier in Germany. Bromeliads as well.
Köhres-Kakteen - Largest supplier of Tillandsias, Cacti and Succulents, including rare and new species.
ITALY Orchideria di Morosolo e Floricoltura Riboni
JAPAN Saigon Orchids & Flora - Importer-Exporter, Vietnamese Wild Orchid Specialists! The unique and most reliable Orchids Specialist!
NETHERLANDS PlantenTuin Esveld - Plants and books - well worth your visit! Since 1865 -  "The Nursery with a passion for plants - De kwekerij met een passie voor planten" LKP Plants - The Exotic Adventure!
Toon Kuipers BV - Bromeliad Nursery
NEW ZEALAND Anwyl Bromeliads Tucker's Orchid Nursery - One of New Zealand's largest nurseries. Export of quality Orchids Worldwide
NORWAY Orkidespesialisten - Dendrobium, Cattleya & Vanda!
SWEDEN Ĺkerös orkidéer
UNITED KINGDOM Kilworth Conifers - Largest selection of Conifers in the UK. The collection has c 2000 varieties - Wholesale Burnham Nurseries Ltd. - The largest selection of Orchid species and hybrids available in the UK
Croston Cactus - Supplier of Cactus and bromeliads
USA Pinus.contorta.ChiefJoseph.jpg (34685 bytes)Bethlehem Nursery, CT 
Rare dwarf and miniature conifers, witches' brooms and rare Sciadopitys cultivars
Picea.pungens.Pendula.jpg (78376 bytes)Gee Farms, MI 
Largest collection of rare and unusual conifers in Michigan, Hostas, unusual and hard to find plants - 8 acre Arboretum
California Cactus Center Coenosium Gardens,  WA - Rare and unusual plants - 
Explore Bob Fincham's 'World of Conifers'! The web site features articles regarding Bob's extensive travels.

Andy's Orchids - Propagation and production of species orchids. Great selection of mounted epiphytic orchids Hoosier Orchids - Rare species and select hybrids - specializing in tropical species orchids
Bromeliads.in.Ecuador.jpg (33045 bytes)Tropiflora  -  One of the largest collector-oriented exotic plant nurseries in the U.S., specializing in Bromeliads, Orchids, rare Succulents and Exotics Tillandsia.tenuifolia.jpg (25711 bytes)Tillandsia International  
The largest Air plant Grower in North America

VENEZUELA Orquideario Cerro Verde - The best Venezuelan Cattleya species, including different species and hybrids from other countries. Shipping with the required CITES & Phytosanitary permits.

"The World's Best Plant Nurseries - some offer Online Ordering and World Wide Shipping"

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